Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 5 Schedule

Sunday, May 31st

10:00 AM Pimienta v DOGS
11:00 AM Knuckleheadz v He Gone
12:00 PM Chet Lemons v United Nations
1:00 PM Crusaders v City Ratz
2:00 PM City Ratz v Phyllis's
3:00 PM Piranhas v Phyllis's
4:00 PM SWAT v Monarchs

Monday, June 1st
6:00 Crusaders v Pimienta
7:00 Knuckleheadz v Chet Lemons


  1. Hey Ryan / Coaches -

    Could ANYONE PLEASE e-mail me ( or point me to a web location ) a copy of a LeGaL CPD-Wicca'Pk-2009 Blank ROSTER form so I can finish it & get it to Moe / you'se Guyz... ;-)


    TimmO'City-Rat ;=>

  2. you should be out of the league by now
